Tuesday, December 30, 2008

So this is the New Year.

And I feel like blogging more often.

Sorry, Death Cab on the mind. I've made it a resolution to blog more and keep documenting the wild and wacky adventures of us: The Elliott and Alisa. It's only been over the past couple of months that I've really slowed down but it's completely thrown me off habit, which is really a shame since December was filled with so many bloggable moments. Anyway, here's to getting back on track with lost hobbies! If you don't see a post within a week, gently slap my face so that it'll sting just enough to remind me to blog but not enough so that I'll feel prompted to slap you back.

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Pictureless Post

I left my camera at my parent's house while Elliott and I were enjoying our Turducken so I haven't been able to post any pictures of Thanksgiving, new babies or our newly bought and decorated (and oh so cheap) Christmas tree. Sorry.

Thanksgiving was amazing! We enjoyed two fantastically put together meals--who wouldn't love it?--while at the same time got to enjoy Anna's and Brianne's new babies! I won't lie, Elliott's a better baby holder than I am but that's only because I come from 20 years of mastering the art of holding, handling and sweetalking cats. And I am the best. Oh come'on don't stop reading because I'm comparing cats to babies.

Sadly, we had to leave the babies (and cats) early so that we could make it home in time to get to bed early for Black Friday! We actually didn't get to bed too early because we got hung up on You've Got Mail, thinking that we would be able to nap away our sleepiness after our shopping. Unfortunately, that didn't happen either. We went to the coyotes game that afternoon as a perfect finale to our shopping and eating--thanks to Trevor and Dr. Paul!