1. Elliott's and mine's one-year wedding anniversary (May 17th) and our subsequent trip to the BUTTE'S!
2. Elliott and I leaving for New Zealand in 4 weeks... yikes.
3. Elliott finishing his first year of dental school!!!
4. Elliott's and mine's numerous kitchen creations.
5. Ellio-- ok, ok, ME finding two pairs of Coach shoes for $70 TOTAL! Epic win.
6. Elliott finally getting a calling since Single's Ward (second counselor in the Elder's Quorum).
7. Me getting a job at Eddie Bauer... it's interesting.
8. Elliott and me getting an AEROBED-- WITH a headboard (ooo, ahh).
9. Elliott and me at FULL RISK of getting preggers. That's right, we're off the pill and scared to death.
10. One of my new favorite websites: awkwardfamilyphotos.com which contains one of my favorite "awkward" pictures. EVER:

11.The heartwrenching finale of The Biggest Loser (stupid, by the way).
12. And finally... Elliott and me NOT getting a callback from Wheel. Effin' barrell of dreams failed us all.
Okay, seriously - you just clued me in to the funniest website ever. I can't stop laughing.
PS - blog more. :)
you are so funny! your blog is way cute. that website has to be the funniest thing ever!
You have such a creative blog, I love it! Sounds like you guys have a really fun trip coming up--I can't wait to hear about it!
Good luck with going off the pill! I hope you guys get pregnant soon! (if that's what you want...)
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