Monday, October 5, 2009

About the Vegas Trip...

The pictures and re-cap of mine and Brianne's Las Vegas trip can be seen on the blog entitled "Trevor and Brianne Lines." She is a MUCH better blogger and an even better friend and sister-in-law! I have been so lazy lately and I'm certainly not as busy as she is.

I will at least post a few pictures from my birthday (September 21st) and Elliott's (August 1st).

Here's us at Elliott's birthday wearing our Lava Lavas that the Fa'alogo family gave us as we were leaving Auckland. Thanks to everyone who showed up for the special day (I'm feeling stupid since it was over two months ago ha ha)!
Here are the pictures from my birthday. Above is the Costco Cake that I designed MYSELF (butter cream frosting with vanilla cream cheese filling is the only way to go). We have tons still in our freezer that we've been needing to give away (HINT HINT). Below is Elliott and me in front of Houston's! We had so much fun that night with my parents who treated us. Thanks again!


Anais and Chad said...
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Anais and Chad said...

Alisa, it's me. Your long lost friend Anais!!! haha have I told you I totally stalk your blog? Well I have for quite some time I just dont think I've ever left a comment!! Shame on me...haha! K well I love your blonde hair and you and Elliot are still just as adorable as can be! Miss you girl! Hope school is going good!!

<3 Anais