For my super sweet nephew, Brennan's birthday, Brianne, Elliott and I (and Brennan, of course) ventured off to the land of sun and ocean where we basked in perfect weather, fresh air and strippers (unfortunately, but more of that later). The main purpose of our trip was to see one of our very favorite bands, Death Cab for Cutie perform at the famed Greek Theatre. Please give them a listen, and don't base judgment off "Meet me on the Equinox" from the Twilight album because that song is truly sub-par. Want some recommendations for good songs to check out? Ok! ((I Will Follow You Into the Dark--I would think is their best known, Cath, Bixby Canyon Bridge, Lack of Color, Death of an Interior Decorator, A Movie Script Ending, and SO many more)).
Ignore the creepin' couple to the right.
On Saturday, Elliott and Brennan had the opportunity to get used and abused by some of the most insane rides on the planet. I won't lie, I love roller coasters. It took me many, many years of bribing, forcing, goading, etc. etc. by my family to go on any ride remotely intense, but I can now say that driving away from Six Flags was slightly painful as I am pregnant (rollercoasters mean shaken baby syndrome in utero) and know that Brianne and I would most definitely have enjoyed screaming right along side our boys. However, I know we had an equally as wonderful a time shopping--it's Los Angeles, it doesn't get much better--and eating. Oh, remember how I obsessed over wanting to try Crumbs? Yeah, I did. It was slightly overwhelming. So many emotions. Please expect a hideously dramatic blog post without any pictures of my own because we devoured those cupcakes like THAT. But, find out how they match up to Sprinkles later.
Can you spot Brennan? Looking very pint-sized under that A.
Brennan: Happy, Elliott: Happy, Brianne and Alisa: Unhappy. Texting our SOS and Goodbyes to loved ones while riding a bus in Los Angeles.
After getting back from Six Flags, we knew we wanted to spend our last night relaxed, and full of food. Wanting to branch out, we decided to put our name down at a restaurant with an hour wait and look for other possibilities. Apparently the restaurants that were just "a little ways down the road" ended up being 2 miles down the road (meaning, the way back would be UP the hilly road). When no acceptable restaurants were found, we made several failed attempts at hailing a cab, Elliott got in a slight tiff with a crazy cab dispatcher on the phone, and we proceeded to just stand there dumbfounded at how we possibly ended up in this situation. Of course, us not being your typical public transit riders, did NOT notice a "bus stop" sign only a few yards away until a bus actually stopped at it. All at once, we raced on and I think Elliott dumped whatever cash he had into the slot for the 5 minute ride up the road. We made it to our initial restaurant where we had put our name down "just in case." We walked back in after the ordeal, dejected, a mere 5 minutes before time. Apparently a lot can happen while waiting for a dinner reservation. The bus ride was still, "the best $6 ever spent on the trip."

I really do have a new-found love of the beach. It is calming and never gets old to people watch and look into the distance as far as you think possible. It was a perfect way to end our trip (regardless of my camera battery dying shortly after getting there, shameful). Oh to live to closer, but the few and far between trips really make the experience better. But still... oh to live closer. Another great trip down, and I know so many more to go. Oh, and the strippers you were wondering about? Apparently our supposedly and seemingly nice hotel was part of a benefit called "It's For the Kids." Confusing, considering the people who were apparently part of it. Elliott looked it up after returning home and none other than Hugh Hefner's picture pop up. The premise was, "Partying for a Purpose" and our hotel served as some sort of waiting area for people traveling back and forth from a certain scandalous mansion to "Party for a Purpose." Classy. I'm sure "the kids" will appreciate it.