This is Elliott. I will be taking over the blog postings for a time or two here as the new Mama will be indisposed. I'll try to keep you all up to date with photos and news. We had a Dr's appointment this morning where Alisa was told she is dialated 2 to 3 cm and 80% thinned out. The orignal due date was today and the due date from the ultrasound was this past Tuesday. As a result Dr. Meineke as Alisa likes to call him, scheduled us for induction Saturday morning at 7:30. His real name is Dr. Mechelke and Alisa mistakedly associates him with the car place.

She does take it one step further as usual and calls him Dr. Chevron because he looks like the
Chevron Cars. I don't see it.

Dispite all the joking, we do really like him and he is a really competent Dr. We're really hoping Alisa makes it till Saturday because May is her favorite month and she'd love him to have a May birthday. We are really excited either way and will keep you all informed.
1 comment:
Looking forward to a weekend that will forever change our lives and remembered with great joy and gratitude. We're so excited. Thanks for the updates, you two make me laugh and I have to agree, he looks like dr. chevron.
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